Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

In Pete's class, his teacher had each child tell their favorite recipe. Mr. Taylor copied them all down and made a Thanksgiving Recipe book for the parents.

Here is Pete's recipe.

How to Make Macaroni and Cheese
By: Peter Martin

Just a little bit of cheese
6 chicken bones
7 green beans
This much milk (hands held out wide)
More cheese, cheddar cheese

Now, just cook it. Cook it in a black pot until it tastes good. The pot should be about his hot (hands held out wide), about 7 degrees for 6 minutes. Serve it in a purple bowl, and eat it with a spoon.

I am thankful for my mommy cooking me it, and my daddy cooking corn beef hash, and I'm thankful for my sister, because she is a nice sister.

Wow, I think we might have a future chef on our hands. He certainly thinks outside the box... :-)

Here is another one of my favorite recipes from the book.

How to Cook a Turkey
By: Karis Mabee

1 Chicken
Pink hand paint
1 cube of butter
Chocolate ice cream
1 princess "to eat the turkey"
2 pickles

Put it in the oven for 28 days, at burning hot, and make sure to shut the oven door. Then take it out and eat it with your dog, and a penguin.

I am thankful for my princesses, and chocolate ice cream. I love school and my mommy.

Kids are just so funny!

Happy Thanksgiving! I am so thankful for my beautiful healthy family and friends!

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