It has been two years since my grandpa passed away. We miss him so much! Grandpa was diagnosed with metastasized melanoma, right after Hailey was born. He was given 3-6 months to live. He decided not to seek treatment and just live out his remaining time. Well, he lived years beyond what the doctors thought.
Pete still talks about him pretty much everyday. Grandpa (or Tutu Grandpa as the kids called him) and Pete had a special bond. They were both battling cancer at the same time. I really feel that Grandpa didn't allow his cancer to completely take over, until after Pete was done with treatment and he was able to see that he was doing O.K. Pete was the last person that Grandpa spoke to before he died. I had taken Pete to say goodbye and was told by my Grandma and Dad that Grandpa wasn't talking anymore. Pete went to his bedside and said, "I love you Tutu." My Grandpa actually managed to tell him that he loved him too! Before he passed away, I sat at his bedside and didn't know if he could hear me or not, but I asked him to watch over Pete when he got to Heaven. I believe that he is watching and helping to keep Pete safe and healthy. Every time we fly, Pete looks out at the clouds and claims that he sees Tutu.
This is one of my favorite pictures of Hailey (15 months old) and Tutu Grandpa. This picture was taken on Easter in 2003.
A little about the man who had so many names - Richard, Bud, Buddy, Dick, Pop, Grandpa, Tutu Grandpa.

Richard Fitzgerald Moffitt was born October 21, 1925 in Hawaii. From what I gather, it wasn't easy being a light eyed, light skinned kid growing up in Hawaii. He said the "local" kids would knock him down in the sand and actually try to sand off his freckles. Kids can be so cruel! Grandpa was 16 years old when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. He once told me that he was fishing on the beach that fateful day - December 7th, 1941. The Japanese planes flew right over him and he could actually remember the faces of the pilots. He joined the Army and was stationed in Hawaii, New Mexico and various other places.

Grandma also grew up in the islands. Grandma and Grandpa met in Hawaii at the skating rink, when Grandma was about 15 and Grandpa was about 18. In 1945, at the age of 17, Grandma moved to Palo Alto, California to live with her grandmother. Grandpa would drive up from New Mexico to visit Grandma. After serving his term in the military, he moved to California to be closer to Grandma. He worked at Moffett Field as an airline mechanic. On March 7th, 1947 he married the love of his life - Leilani (or Betty Lou) Gerard. Grandpa completed an electrician apprenticeship and ended up working as an electrician for 35 years. Grandma and Grandpa have two sons, four grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren.
My Grandfather was a good man. He was very stubborn and hardheaded, but he was a good man! He treated my grandmother like a princess. She once told me that she liked him when they were dating because he was a gentleman. They were married almost 60 years and in the time Grandma said that he never farted in front of her... Not many people can say that! Sure, he grumbled at her when she spent too much money, but he made sure that she had every thing her heart desired.
Grandpa, we love you! Shaka Tutu, we miss you!
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