I thought it was a good time to do a little taking about our beautiful girl. Hailey just turned 7 on the 19th of last month. Wow, how time flies! I know people always said that you blink and they are grown. I just didn't realize how true it really is.
Hailey is doing so well in school. Lets see, she has brought home around 8 awards from school this year. We have a conference next month with her teacher and will get her 2nd report card. How can the school year be almost 2/3 of the way done??!! Again, doesn't seem possible!
Miss Hailey at age 7 is in to:
*Harry Potter - hence the Harry Potter cake! I have read all 7 books to her and she loved the story. Hailey and Pete also like to play Harry Potter. As you can see, she got a wand and cloak for Christmas. Pete is usually Hagrid or Harry (however he has been Voldermort quite a bit lately...hmm) and Hailey is either Hermione or Ginny. She also likes to spend time in her room listening to the books on cd. Pete bought her a Harry Potter trivia game for Christmas. If there are any careers that involve Harry Potter trivia, I think Hailey has found her niche!
*The newest "in" thing in Hailey's world are Webkinz. I got her one when we were back in Memphis at the end of December. Since then, she has been on the computer everyday playing with, feeding and buying things for her pet. She got a few more for her birthday and I think I bought her a couple more too. Right now, she has a total of 5 pets, all with adjoining rooms (on the computer). The actual stuffed animals reside on her bed. Lets see, there is a polor bear, an owl, a dragon, a fan tail gold fish and a monkey. The pets like to visit each other in their rooms (again on the computer). She has even bought them an outside yard, so that they can all play (yes, again on the computer).
*A couple of weeks ago we signed Hailey up for gymnastics again. Let me just say that she is no Mary Lou. But, she is having fun. :-)
*She also really loves going camping at the dunes. Today, she confessed to Jeff that it is her "favorite thing!" Jeff was going to take the kids camping this weekend. However, the weather seems to have other ideas in store. Hailey was so disappointed! I'm sure we will go in a couple weeks instead.
Hailey at Olive Garden for her family birthday dinner ~ 1/19/09