We drove up to the Portland area yesterday, so that we could pick up our puppy in Oregon City at 9:30am this morning. We decided it would be the perfect opportunity to visit with Amy Ruth (my great friend from high school) and her beautiful family in Forest Grove. When we left, I typed Am's address into the GPS and we were off. It took us up I-5 until we were almost to Salem and then, our adventure began. What beautiful countryside - rolling fields, wheat fields, orchards, nurseries, crops, wineries! We saw things we didn't even know were there... I even had Jeff pull over, so that I could get out to investigate some mysterious, tall, thorny, climbing, viney crops that were growing... Hmm, maybe hops? Not sure, maybe I'll Google it... Yep, they were hops. Yeah, for Google and beer!!
Any ways, where was I, oh yes, our great adventure. Well, it eventually led us to the spot that I took the following video. Let me tell you, this whole thing made Pete a bit nervous...
When we finally crossed the river and made our way to Forest Grove, we were greeted by Amy Ruth, her husband Josh, their children - Addy Rae, Josiah, Jeremiah and Amy's mom Sheri. We had a great visit and they fed us a wonderful dinner (complete with fresh, warm blueberry pie for desert).
Before we picked up the puppy this morning, we took a little drive around Oregon City. I didn't know before, but Oregon City is where the Oregon Trail ends, so the city has some very interesting history.
Then, it was time to pick up little Josie. Oh boy, it didn't take us long to fall in love with this little ball of fur! We had a very good ride home. I, of course, was worried about her having accidents in the car... So, we made sure to stop for plenty of potty breaks!
Here are some pictures I took of our baby today.