Lately, Sydney hasn't been himself... He just seems to be getting old so quickly. For the last several months, he has had trouble getting down the stairs and has even fallen down them several times (14 hardwood stairs, ouch!!). On Wednesday evening, Jeff and I noticed his blue eye had turned slightly pink. By Thursday morning, it was very red and looked painful. I took him in to the vet immediately.
Dr. Knox said the eyes often indicate something else going on and was suspicious. They took blood, chest x-rays and an abdominal ultrasound. $530.00 later, we found out he has tumors in his spleen. Poor puppy!! We don't know if it is cancerous yet, but more than likely, it is. His chest x-ray looked clear, so maybe it hasn't spread yet. Our doctor's office wants $2,000.00 to do the surgery. We have an appointment at a different vet office on Monday to get another estimate on the surgery.
It is such a hard decision. He has lived a good long life, but by dog years, he is certainly not ancient yet! If we don't do the surgery and it is cancerous, it will certainly spread rapidly. It is isn't cancerous and we don't do the surgery, the tumors will likely bleed and cause lots more pain. Even if we do the surgery, there are no guarantees that he will be cured...
Poor Old Pup!